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Review – Robert Jon and the Wreck – Red Moon Rising


Robert Jon and the Wreck take me back to an incredible time in life. New records dropped at Hastings and I could go listen on some full ear cover headphones to some amazing new rock and roll. Talk about it in class and see who else was there over the weekend listening to the same music. Getting the same thing out of it.  I gotta say, I’m getting a lot out of Red Moon Rising.

Found these guys several years ago and instantly became a fan. Nothing complex, just straight-ahead blues rock and roll. Touches of bad ass sprinkled throughout. You’ll find yourself singing along to a song you’ve never heard before and not caring if you’re getting the lyrics right.


You just want to get into that much. You “do” get into it “that much”.

If you’re already a fan, you’re getting more of the same. Great rock and roll with some new sounds and twists but same roots.

Stone Cold Killer sets the fast-paced tone that could easily be a high energy way to start off any live show. When I saw them in McKinney at the Guitar Sanctuary back in February (review found here) Hold On had that honor. That night we got to hear Ballad of a Broken-Hearted Man, Help Yourself and this releases title track, Red Moon Rising live.

And to be sure, all of those are amazing songs, now let’s focus on some of unheard stuff from Robert Jon and the Wreck!

One of the things I love so much about these “headphone” experiences with this band is they never disappoint. They hit on every level, and those hits are bullseyes.

By every level, I mean they will fire you up, take you back down, and just bring you along for the ride. Whether it’s a series of songs or all in 1 song, they do it and do it so well.

Dragging Me Down is a great example of all this in one song. You may think you’re at a chill spot but it’s a lie. Buckle up, you’re going for a ride. Suddenly, you’re there and talking about it. Man, what a song!

Now for just going along for the ride. Top down, country road bound, Down No More will take you there. Reminds me of some Marshall Tucker Band.

We’re winding down now to the last 2, Worried Mind and Give Love. I won’t say much about these. Well, except “thank you”. The slow “live it with you” songs hit me the hardest.

Then Give Love hits me again

Thank you, guys. I’m back in the audience again for the next live show in Dallas. For now, lets wrap this review up and Im going to put my full ear cover headphones on and listen again.

Just for me this time.

See them live – tour schedule found here!


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