I wasn’t going to review the new Godsmack. New release, power rock, energetic as you can get…yea. Godsmack. I love it. It’s in our rotation to be sure but it just didn’t “move” me to want to talk about it given my knack of introducing people to new talent and bands. But sometimes you can find something “new” in the most familiar of places. I found all that in When Legends Rise and got that feeling all over again.
I’ll get to that emotional moment in a bit, but for now, I did go back and pick up When Legends Rise and decided to pay more attention from a new perspective.
When Legends Rise is textbook Godsmack. Bulletproof – ditto. Anything I could say about one of the songs I could say about the other. Engaging, energetic, makes you move and crank it up to piss off either the neighbors or the old family in the car next to you at the light.
That’s what I’m talking about! That’s what I’ve come to expect from Godsmack.
Last night I went out to AllAccess.com where I get the latest and new music downloaded a handful I had not gotten to yet and new Godsmack was there. Of course I’ll get me some of that. After downloaded I listen and decide what I’ll play on my next show and/or put into rotation. Godsmack is a given for rotation. What wasn’t a given was what happened next.
Under Your Scars had me from the first piano note. This was something new. Instead of raising horns up, I went head down. That type of “head down” you do when you want to make the rest of the world go away and live in this moment you currently find yourself in. Under Your Scars is simply one of the type of song that simply makes me “feel”. That’s exactly what music is supposed to do sure, but this is a whole new level.
So I took my newfound perspective back to the rest of When Legends Rise and put away my standard notion of what to expect from this band. I still found what I love to be sure. But knowing how extreme they are capable of I tend to find more in the rest of the songs now. Take it the Edge will wind up in rotation, Someday made me stop and listen with my own eyes wide shut. But 2/3rds of the way through this amazing release, the lyrics across the board have stepped up their game.
In the end I fall back to Under Your Scars. It’s simply a landmark song that will define just how good this band is. It signals the growth and evolution of their sound and music and gives us a deeper insight into the mindset of Godsmack. There’s a great background to this song but I’ll ask you to read it on songfacts. Worth your time to be sure to understand the background.
While Godsmack had already achieved my love of the band; When Legends Rise took even this to a new level. While I’ve always looked forward to new music from these guys, I now wait like a kid at Christmas anxious to see what’s inside more so than ever before.
For that gift to me, I thank them from the depths of my soul. Music like this is the greatest gift of all.