
we don’t have an official “Renegade Radio” award ceremony and that’s one thing we’re looking at for this coming year but i’ll get to that later. for now i’d just like to go over my best of “best of” so to speak and just call out the ones who i keep going back to time and time through the year.

until the last, these are in no specific order. the last of course will be my “best of 2016” but again – i get ahead of myself. 🙂

first up is decembers winner, hell or highwater. my initial high has leveled off some and perhaps come back to earth a touch overall, but there are simply some bad ass songs from this band you can’t deny. “remember the life not the death” and “rock waters edge are very close to defining this band as a legit superstar. “when the morning comes” cements it. looking forward to hearing more from this band to be sure.

patrick kennison. here i can go heaven below, on world wide tour with lita ford or i can go with his newest release “good morning apocalypse” but what i do find with this young man is you simply can’t define him into a style, type, fashion or the like. he simply does so much in a time people are not supposed to have the accomplishments he certainly does in fact have. when you talk about rock and roll stars of today you have to add his name to the mix. when you talk of people who carry rock and roll in a time when rock and roll doesn’t even know itself, the list begins here. if you’re into watching classics being born, keep an eye on mr kennison.

violet janine. these days you’re either remembering 80s music as  religious experience or you research it as the legend that it was. the best i found from our successful reverb nation tour, violet janine is the essence of the 80s sound reborn. in watching their videos they kinda have a leg up with connections in 80s legend Europe and Black Sabbath legend Tony Martin, but they brought their own swag to the mix also.

and now, i do want to keep this list limited or what would be the point of calling out everyone i called out during the year? for this one i simply said “what release do i put in more often than any other” and to be honest, it wasn’t even close. my best of 2016 Renegade Radio award goes to none other than Aaron Lee and his Gambling Souls release. If this were the 80s it would be a global hit but it’s amazing how times can change the definition of success and what used to considered greatness now has a hard time getting noticed out of the gate. i simply can’t say enough about this release or the times you will on your own discovering personal reasons to love each and every song. version 2.0 is my favorite to be sure but it’s no easy call. from start to finish this is about as complete an effort as you are ever likely to see.

and now my glimpse of 2017, and yes i’m going to leverage how 2016 ended and go with what is working and i’ll pay some close attention to future ice picks such as “quiet on the set” with no one other than aaron pose now lending his talents to that band.

looking forward to a bad ass 2017 and looking forward to bringing you music that should be heard but the “industry” is too damn lazy to go find it. us renegades will fix that for you.

keep rocking and see you next song.



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