Icepick for September – Magnolia Bayou

Ok – lets head back to the states for this months icepick for September. This time around I hit the south and we find a new release over 2 years in the making from Magnolia Bayou. When you see a southern band play some southern fried rock, you have expectations. Lofty expectations of the sound and style. Now being from “the rich soil of the Mississippi Delta all the way down to the muddy waters of Mexico”, this band doubles down on history.

Step outside on a summer day and play some Magnolia Bayou. Soon you’ll find yourself swept away and in the middle of a Mississippi blues bar rock has taken over for the night. They wear the culture of southern blues rock so very well you’d think you’re listening to some classic rock from back in the late 60s.

Many bands try to capture the style from the 60s and while some can get there “technically”, it’s the emotional connection we make to music. The first 4 from “Strange Place” certainly set the tone, technically and emotionally.

Hands in the Dirt  then comes along and changes the pace but not the emotional ties. It’s like you’re seeing another side of the same coin in that they modify an established sound from the first 4 and take it somewhere else for awhile.

From the Other Side, well honestly it does it again. Changes the pace but keeps your emotionally going in the same direction. You’re gonna wanna close your eyes and let yourself “float” for this one a bit.

My favorite kept itself hidden until the end of this trip down south. Hurricane tells a story in typical blues rock style and is an anthem song for many a lost soul still trying to find their way through this life.

You’ll find a constant sound played in many ways and go a thousand places in your mind while listening to Magnolia Bayou. To get ready for the release, check out their self titled release here on their site. Just some snippets but all fantastic journeys start small. Get started on this one, music provided by Magnolia Bayou! New release when you can hear all this for yourself drops Sept 24th! Get it at the sites below.



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