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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

What the band says about themselves:

The story of the band is the story of 5 guys from Northern Ireland who have played music all their lives. Having crossed paths frequently over the years they came together as Blackwater Conspiracy in the Summer of 2015, formed from the ashes of two of the country’s most popular local bands, Million Dollar Reload and Swanee River.

Their intention from the outset was no more following of trends, no more conforming to what was expected – they are 5 individuals wanting to fully express themselves whilst playing in a band. Sounds simple, but consider a classically trained pianist taking inspiration from Jon Lord and Jerry Lee Lewis, a bass player influenced by Iron Maiden and Thin Lizzy, a drummer driven by everyone from Buddy Rich to Danny Carey and two guitar players oozing The Stones, The Faces and The Black Crowes – you’re going to create a pretty unique musical melting pot.

you can read their entire bio on their site here.

they were also our “icepick” for january of 2022. read the review here

all told, we couldn’t stop at a simple “hey check these guys out”. some bands are simply good enough for us to want to “feature” and create a “renegade band” bio page for them. check out a few videos below then start surfing their social media.

Phil Conalane
Vocals / Rhythm Guitar
Brian Mallon
Lead Guitar / Backing Vocals
Kie McMurray
Bass Guitar / Backing Vocals
Aaron Connelly
Keyboards / Backing Vocals
Fionn O’Hagain



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