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KNON Reckless Rock Radio Local Show – CD Release Party

Local radio station KNON has been hosting a 2 hour weekly show focusing on the local Dallas music scene for years now. Every Sunday from 10-midnight “Big Mix” Lee Russell and long time local radio personality Spicoli have been there week in and week out playing today’s local hits and diving WAY back into so many yesterdays. If I start naming all these bands it would pretty much be the entire article. The local scene in Dallas, TX is simply that good. Their show, Reckless Rock Radio on 89.3 KNON has been tireless in supporting our incredible scene.

Putting their time, effort and money where their mouth is, Reckless Rock Radio recently kicked off a CD release featuring music from their show in a live venue. Rocking the Ridglea Room in Ft Worth last Friday (12/14) was a local line up as varied as the bands on the CD itself. With Lee running the sound, acoustics were of course phenomenal. Give the man 2 tin cans and some bailing wire and he’ll make you sound good.

So yea, let’s review a CD for a local FM radio show that supports nothing but the local scenes and let me introduce you to some incredible music and fantastic people who make it happen day in and day out.

Kicking off the CD we have Fantasma setting the tone with their song Ra. Certainly energetic with a touch of “science fiction” in their effects, I’ll certainly be pulling this song out for our own rotation. Already the KNON job is done as I’m a new fan of Fantasma. (that word play I promise you was purely accidental but it worked so I ran with it).

Next up we have Renegade legend and one of the biggest reasons there *is* a Renegade Radio, Joey C Jones. All I wanted was one song and while I won’t count the years since then, Joey has certainly become family to us and certainly me. Needless to say I’ve heard many new Joey C Jones songs over the years and can safely say he’s on a high these days and I hope he never comes back down.

Radiant in Record time is new Joey C Jones and writing, arrangement and vocals are as strong as they’ve ever been. The Joey C Jones band kicked off the CD release show and the next 3 bands certainly had the bar set high as we heard several new tunes and he ended it strong with Aerosmith Draw the Line and ending it with AC/DC’s Dirty Deeds.

Following the JCJ Band ironically also follows them on the CD, Legacy. Recently putting out their own full length cd, this band carries a solid late 80s power metal sound to the core and Reflection in the Mirror is a worthy choice off their own amazing release.

Wow. Now let’s go back in time to the local legends Jibe who faded and many thought were done. However a few years ago Joe Grah and company got back together and released a new CD and off that release we have The Human Condition, showing Jibe is alive and well and still fully capable of putting out quality music. Welcome back, Jibe!

As I continue to go through these bands, it really does feel like a “who’s who” of the Dallas scene. We’ve already seen new music from veterans and veterans carrying on their craft and now we’re to Messer with their recent top 40 hit Save Myself keeping the energy alive and flowing on this Reckless Rock Radio CD. Currently on national tour, the guys took their weekend off (the entire band) to support the bill for the CD release and were there in person to rock out with us.

Infidel Rising was one of the bands playing last Friday and their song The Torn Wings of Illusion keep the energy flowing but offers a great change of pace and feel. You certainly get a cross section of styles and formats on 1 cd that is just a peek into the quality of our Dallas music scene.

With 14 songs on the CD, I’m only halfway through at this point and the names I still see coming are calling out to me. I’ll go ahead and list the rest of the bands and where you can pick up the CD below. For now, rest assured the local scene in Dallas is alive and well and worth the investment to get out and see these bands play live. For all the bands you do see live just know there are many behind the scenes such as Lee and Spicoli to also ensure that the music reaches out as far as we can make it. We’re certainly proud of our homegrown music and this CD and radio show is an incredible sampling of what you can find every day with not a whole lot of effort.

Pick a club, go buy a beer and find your new favorite band. Odds are you can then hear them on Sunday nights on KNON’s Reckless Rock Radio and perhaps even here on Renegade as well.

The Joey C Jones Band
Infidel Rising
The Feds
Blackstar Republic (also on the bill last Friday!)
Orthodox Fuzz