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June Icepicks


let’s go ahead and get the local out of the way real quick in that yes, i’m coming back to dallas for back to back picks. dark avenue has been in the dallas scene for quite some time, and yes, still alive and well musically as well as on the stage. i’ve caught these guys at curtain club cd release parties, austin sxsw and most recently at gas monkey bar and grill and each and every time the power is there and the good times roll.

and fresh off the press- dark avenue – maybe tomorrow.


i ran into heaven below years ago while surfing and found their hit “when daylight dies” and have spoken about the songs greatness over the years when opportunity arises and through those years i’ve come to talk online off and on (thats correct but wow sounds funny) with frontman patrick kennison, but i’ve yet to have a chance to see him live. that will change this summer when his current tour with legenday lita ford comes through gas monkey live with halestorm and this happy ass iceberg will be there jammin right there with him. there are simply way too many places i could go to show you why i view this young man as one of the reasons rock and roll simply will not die. he’s living it, and he wants you there with him. check out the man, his band, and a shining example of rock and roll today.


yes, hinder has in fact changed. if you were sold only on the previous singers voice and consider him the band, you’re missing a great follow up. i’ll move right into marshall dutton out of denton/dallas tx took the microphone over and while the sound has changed, i’ll leave “evolved” up to those who hear the music and judge for yourselves. rest assured the oklahoma band is alive and well and still putting out great music that deserves a listen. so, check out hinder w/marshall dutton now out front.


and now while we’ve already brought up lita ford once in this post, it’s time to pay tribute to our own sean twisted and add in a cover while i also rope in my love for Gold Rush and the surprise “out of nowhere” arrival of not only Todd Hoffman, but who the hell is this voice Heidi Grisham? together these two pull off one hell of a cover of “”close my eyes forever”