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Let there be INTERNET!!

Behold thine heavenly device that allows Jemini to be connected to the world once more!  That’s right everyone, Time Warner Cable finally arrived and successfully installed a new connection at Jemini’s place of residence!  WOOT!!!

Damn right The Stairwell Showcase IS ON like Donkey Kong tonight starting at 7pm central time! Tuneth ineth only on!!

And don’t worry, more Renegade show news shall be posted in the next day or so.  If you don’t see a fresh show news post, give Jemini a good poke.  Of course I couldn’t let you go without a music video.  Here’s some Downfall 2012 with their music video for a song called “Heckler” that will be played tonight as well as their version of of a classic Johnny Cash tune “Folsom Prison Blues”.