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The Cunning Use of Flags

“Do you have a flag?”

“No flag, no country!  You can’t have one!”

“Those are the rules that I’ve just made up!”

During the Age of Exploration (late 1400s to at least the late 1600s), powerful European countries often conquered “new” lands with the cunning use of flags.  [To clarify for the history buffs and snobs, Jemini is very well aware that the dates provided earlier are VERY rough and are only meant to provide a bit more context.  That said, no need to expose the claws, mkay? : ) ] 

Today, we here at like to conquer the interwebs with the cunning use of a brand new website!  Feel free to check it out, meaning please press that shiny play button on the new stream player and read some rants, blogs, [insert your favorite term for a written piece here].

Not only that, we still have shows too!  And thanks to The Twisted One, there are more of them!  The latest show list thus far is:

Bad Seed Radio (Mondays, 7-8pm central)
The Stairwell Showcase (Tuesdays, 7-10pm central)
Side B Radio (Wednesdays, 7-10pm central)
The Icehouse (traditionally on Thursday evenings from 7-10pm central time)
Grave Disorder (Fridays, 7-10pm central)
Grave and Disorderly Weekends featuring the Live Stream Archives (on weekends when a show isn’t happening)
The Happy Hour with Left Turn Off Broadway (Sundays, 7-8pm central)

The above list will likely be edited as Jemini continues to wade through info to figure out if she has missed anything.  At any rate, we have added some new stuff for your ears to listen to. Feel free to check all of the shows out.  When there is not a show, we have ye old 24.7 stream with all kinds of fun tunes for you to jam out to.  More information will be posted about each show in the coming days.  For now, you get to suffer through reading about The Stairwell Showcase next.

Many of you have probably noticed that Jemini has been very, very quiet lately.  Never fear, she is not dead yet, although she sure as hell felt like it the last couple of weeks!  The Stairwell Showcase will be on a bit of a break for at least the rest of the month.  Before you start throwing stones, know that Jemini will be concentrating on tackling the massive backlog of promised album reviews, feature articles, and blogs that she hasn’t had a chance to sit down and write.  When the backlog is complete, The Stairwell Showcase shall resume.  And then there will be much rejoicing with peasants dancing about.

More Renegade news shall be posted later on this week.  Prepare to be covered in bees!  While you wait, have a music video from Poets of the Fall.

*50 points to those who get the opening reference.  If you have no idea, you will get another clue with the next newsreel.  No spoilers please!*