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Waterloo – A Celebration of ABBA Debut – WOW


Thursday night at Grandscape can be a lot of things. In a Texas summer, almost all of them are DAMN HOT. While we’ve had a few cooler moments over the summer, Aug 8th was NOT one of those days. But it was also the day the Dallas scene got to watch the debut performance of Waterloo – A Celebration of ABBA. Damn the heat, it was full speed ahead.

And lord Grandscape was packed!

It doesn’t matter it was a Thursday. It doesn’t matter it was 104* during setup. 90 minutes before the start there were lawn chairs staking their claim. It just didn’t matter. You just knew by the who’s who both in the band and in the audience, this was a special night.

Let me back up a bit.

When I first started covering the local tribute scene, I didn’t know anyone. I went to some shows, took some pics and sat back and blended back in the crowd as best a pillsbury sasquatch could. But I did interact more online and the first person to say “damn, you funny” was Kristy Johnson. Who knew this amazing performer had *at least* as much of a warped sense of humor as me.

I honestly thought such things were made illegal during the course of my own life.

Shortly after this introduction, the word “tribe” came out and somehow or another, I was in it. This is important because this is where I branched out and started meeting so many amazing people over the next several years. Maybe I can’t stop time from passing, but I can find much better ways to spend it. But not last Thursday.

There was no better way to spend the evening that Aug 8th evening than watching a stage full of friends do what they love to do. Watching more of my friends there to help setup and record all this. More of them rolling into area as 8pm got closer. By the end of the end of the night, the normally empty area in front of the stage was jam packed and everyone doing their own thing to Dancing Queen.

Did I mention it was 104* out when this party started?

I did my usual picture taking and there are a few below, sure. But let’s talk a bit more about these people, shall we?

Waterloo – A Celebration of ABBA, is pretty much a “who’s who” list of Talent. Every musician is either in other bands, bands together, or somehow linked through this local scene I’ve become a part of over the years. Most have spent their lives learning how to be the best at what they do.

On and off the stage.

The promotion, background videos, props, costumes, pretty much rebuilding a piano WITH LIGHTS, rehearsals, video / photo shoots…the countless months that went into 2 hours sometimes can go unrealized. The audience DAMN SURE noticed the efforts paid off because it was packed. Front of the stage, the lawn area, people sitting on sidewalk edges surrounding the lawn area, it was simply the most I have ever seen at Grandscape.

Did I mention it was 104*

The band got through it and were professionals to the end. Towards the end, the heat toll added up, but intimacy of sitting down for a song gave not just the band, but the rest of us, a much-needed chance to catch up.

Ok, let me introduce you to the band –

Kristy Johnson – Agnetha Faltskog
Lori Carlyle – Anni-Frig Lyngstad
Glenn Johnson – Benny Andersson
Jeremy Thornton – Bjorn Ulvaeus
Troy Groeneweegen II – Bass
Jeff DeYoung – Drums

The night also had (2) Amazing Dancers in well-known performers Yvette Schell and Kristen Marzonie helping put on this amazing production. Billy Ewing even got to get on stage to be the lucky teacher that got kissed!  And when the video is ready, it will be because of the work of Gia Randazzo who was all over the audience area and stage filming it.

Make sure you like (LOVE!) this band on Facebook. Find out when they play again and get there early. Judging from their debut performance audience, we’re going to need a bigger Grandscape.

Pictures from the night

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