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a contest ends, let the music begin


recently we wrapped up our first promotion in conjunction with reverb nation and in the end over 3500 bands submitted their music for us to consider. no, we’ve not gone through each and every one as much as i would like to say we have. first and foremost we’re a rock station so pop, country, rap, blues and any other format not “close enough” were filtered out just to get us to our own core.

even then we had a ton of music to go through, and we still are i promise. more offers went out just this am. all i can tell you is “holy shit”.

to say we were floored by the response is an understatement however, we were even more impressed with the quality we have come to find out there. it *does* exist. we were out to add 20 songs to our rotation and expanded it “up to” 80 more just because of the response. we’re up to around 30 and yes, still digging.

The bands we’ve invited to party with us here at Renegade to date are – as shown in our reverb dashboard that i learn something new about every time i come here… 🙂
Heaven and Earth
Enemy Remains
Born of Scars
Love and a .38
Shallow Side
Moxy and the Influence
Star Off Machine
Random Dogs
Answer Infinity
Awake in Theory
Chaser Eight
Jack the Radio
Black River Union
Three Lane Road
The Fifth
the Krew
Darker Still
Dissention Rising

in the coming weeks, months and hell, lets face it well into next year we will continue to work with these and more bands as we find them not only on Reverb Nation, but anywhere we can. Reverb was just kind enough to reach out to us and this promotion has lit us up and we’re getting music we never would have found going profile by profile (which is fun to surf through on its own!) They (we hope) will send us new music, include us in any local events for Dallas and Long Island bands (and if you have a local promoter who has a finger on the pulse of your city – send ’em our way. helping each other is how we’re gonna help these bands!) and we’ll keep pushing.

i’ll be hitting up the bands on this list over the course of many months and am already putting together my now “late” icepicks for the month but it will be out shortly and yes – it will do deeper into 2 of these bands.

thank you again to all the bands – if we missed anyone apologies but we’ve been flooded and doing our best to keep up. reply / comment here with a “hey – us too!” and we’ll update the article and/or simply go check out your music! 

keep on rocking and our rotation will be changing soon – and you won’t believe what you’re about to hear!
