Big Rig Dollhouse. Say it with me; Big Rig Dollhouse. You instantly get nostalgic in a new way. Not because you’ve said it; but because you went out to listen to their music and that’s how it made you feel in all the good ways. I can hear a touch of several influences with Motorhead coming out as a sound it takes me to. That’s a lot to live up to from a 6 song EP released in 2018. How did 15 months get by without my hearing about these guys?

Note to self; pick up your game. If not for local Dallas Tx promoter legend, Mike Rios, I’d not be writing this right now.

Up Our Sleeves is a great way to come into the band from the EP.  High energy, digging the sound; tone set.

Then we get to the video I just saw, Bury Me (Sweet Dreams) and this is what made me take a step back so early in the morning and just say “holy (Insert your own word here)”. I wanted to not only hear more, but share this find. You know, try to keep someone else from going 15 more months without this music in their lives.

As you start to fall into the heavy sound and feel the groove; curve ball time. Along come Butterflies and Big Rig Dollhouse shows another side with every bit of talent as we saw the harder side. Looks like I’ll be buying me a CD (ok ok ok – downloads) and adding some to our rotation and I’m only halfway through.

Hell to Me; lord help me I hear a touch of Gary Moore in the guitars; we got some form of blues coming. Version 3 of the band taking it’s time to give me a full introduction here; but hey – its’ on. I’m starting to see several influences and styles come together as this band is quickly establishing their style and sound in just 6 songs.

Ok, now we’re slowing down to check out the scenery and things just got a bit, surreal. They do that on “The Moon”. The Moon is actually the next ot last song on this fantastic voyage of new band discovery. This is more on the haunting side; establishing yet another emotion in just 6 songs.

Soul Shaker brings it home. We do in fact put it all together here and complete the picture. By now their sound is established and you will have to look hard to find faults in their game. I can’t find any. Then again I ain’t lookin; I’m too busy diggin these guys.

However you get to the Big Rig Dollhouse, just be glad you got there. Hopin these guys have more to come in the months and decades ahead.