coming down the homestretch to be sure.  we’ve made a lot of sight changes and many you can see. and as you can see, we’re still tweaking them. goal is mostly to minimize load times, keep things even on as many platforms as possible, and of course,

the music.  🙂

we’ve locked into some official radio sources for music and are loading up our new server now. we’ve done a lot of remote testing and the player on top, well that’s our new player and the pretty one will likely be retired. nice and all, but too difficult to work with and customize and it takes up valid real estate we need elsewhere. like for our renegade bands!

2 are in and we’re talking to more. we just need permission, and some link backs so we can help each other with SEO and so forth and of course, the music is going to get a lot more familiar, yet keep it’s indie flavor.

don’t wanna give away too many surprises so on that note, i’ll end this newreel and just say jemjem is alive and well in arkansas but they don’t have electricity there yet, so she can’t check in as she’d like. but when she can i’m sure she’ll have a lot to say!

read up, tune in, rock on.
