
it was certainly a night no one will forget. at least not those who were there. shock tu, with frontman joey c jones, came together after a 25 year hiatus and for just over an hour, it was like 25 years had never passed.

well, except the audiences were older and likely got home before the dawn this time around, but the sound, the strength of joeys vocals was spot on. gas monkey live continues to be the top venue in dallas and if they’re coming your way, they will be the best there too. it’s what they do.

we do have something special hooking up with gas monkey and rock monster radio in the coming weeks to expand upon this night but in the meantime, you can check out our facebook photo album i’ll get ported back over here when i figure out what broke on the ones i did have setup already. after that, we’ll have a full video of the night to relive it, or see it for the first time.

for now, let’s see if the youtube video linking works and here’s a single cam shot from the audience.

if that didn’t work, jem jem said this would.

more to come from this show and shock tu as they head to houston next and after that? who knows. but houston, you have a …

…i’m not gonna say it. just get your ass out there and listen for yourself. for at least a little while it’s 25 years ago, all over again.